Marc's drysuit was finally delivered yesterday so he was keen to get in the water and make sure it was ok. So we arranged to meet up on Scapa Beach after work today and go for a quick dip just to check out all his kit.
We arrived about 5:30 and by the time we were kitted up and heading for the water the sun was rapidly heading for the horizon. With final kit checks done we were in the water.
Final checks before entering the water. |
First check for Marc was to make sure all the zips were watertight.
Checking to make sure all the zips are watertight. |
With everything looking good we set off out into the bay. The water was fairly shallow for quiter a distance out and it was sand all the way. There were a small number of small hermit crabs scurrying about and a few clumps of seaweed but apart from that I didn't see very much. The visibility was not particularly brilliant, the water seemed a lot cloudier than recent trips but I think the setting sun didn't help matters either.
Marc had a couple of issues with his mask leaking but apart from that everything seemed to be working ok.
Instead of an inquisitive seal this time out there was an inquisitive Black Guillemot that swam quite close by.
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